Apr 21Liked by Katharine Esty, PhD

Hi, I know what you mean about unexpected change. I am 85 years old and definitely less flexible than I used to be. It happened again yesterday, I was going for a walk along the bay with family members and then to brunch. Plans changed - and what I thought was a going to be a 2-hour event, turned into a 5-hour one. I was irritated because I had other things to do. But as you described, there were plusses in the longer event - like getting to spend time with my 2-year-old great granddaughter, and I still got home in time to do everything I wanted.

In part, I think, the anxiety has to do with thinking I don't have all the time in the world to do all the things I want to do.

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Hi Janice. It's tough going with the flow sometimes. Good for you seeing the plusses, the silver-lining, and embracing it. I'm usually a very prompt person, and when I or others are late it makes me very anxious - I'm working to relax about this as well.

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Sometimes I think the world needs to slow down. Or maybe it’s me. Since Covid I get anxiety and have to just breathe or find something relaxing to do amidst the chaos. Having friends of a like mind helps. Also spending time with children helps immensely. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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I am so glad that trip worked out well for you! You handed it all perfectly. I’m learning to be more patient, breathe, tell myself it’ll all work out! Your tips are helpful… thank you for this post! And wishing you a belated 90th Birthday, Kathrine!! Love and hugs! 🤗🥰

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